Friday, September 5, 2008

Week wrapup with Jason

Today Jason had a pretty good day and he is making progress. He weighs around 2.45 Kg (5 1/2 pounds) and his oxygen saturation stayed pretty good today. Therer are the first mentions this week about the possibility of going home in a couple weeks. That is great news for us!

One of the big things that needs to happen for Baby Jason to be discharged is a increase of his weight to about 5.5 pounds (or 2.5 Kg.) So he is getting plenty of calories and nutients automaticly fed to him (though a nasogastric tube that goes from the pump to the nostrils, down the nasal cavity and down the esophogus to the stomach.) This type of intubation is called 'NG' for short.

The challenge we face is making sure we can keep the tube in place and when it is pulled out by Jason's curious hands, we can reinsert it into the proper place.

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